Booking now, in "KK Transport Jogja" check in GMaps. We also provide travel packages jogja start from 30USD.
Your choice destination malioboro, Castle, vendenburg, palace, Wonosari beaches, Pindul caves, peak Nglanggeran, etc.
In Bantul area : parangtritis Beach, Mangunan, pine forests Dlingo, etc
In Kulonprogo : Kalibiru, Pedut river & swim, Sermo Reservoir, etc.
List of automobiles & prices
- $45 12h
- $55 fullday, with car Great Xenia, Grand Avanza (2016)
- $50 12h
- $60 fullday, with car Sporty Xenia, Avanza Veloz (2016)
- $55 12h
- $65 fulldayGrand Innova Yaris, Jazz
- $40 12h
- $50 fullday, with car Ayla, Agya, All new avanza xenia
Requirements:* Id Card Picture* Booking fee 50%
Information & booking
kurny 0822.2716.7293 (phone, whatsapp)
bbm 75b472d9
Please check the price, travel package information and reservations by phone, whatsapp, bbm, and sms. Thanks.tag:
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